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Ways to Encourage Customers for Repeat Sales

A major contributor for returning visitors is purchase readiness. It often occurs when first time shoppers are comparison-shopping for a product and they are not sure if they’re willing to buy as they browse across different websites. As browsing other sites have nothing to do with the integrity of your service, it is due to the fact that many first time customers are in “research mode” as they try to find the concerns and answers they’re looking for.

This is far different for returning customers, as they’ve already performed the research and they’re ready to do business with the same company again. In addition to this, repeat customers are more likely to interact with the company in other ways through social media, reviews, email, links, or recommendations. Since many businesses want to transition new customers to repeat customers, here’s a look at how to turn first-time visitors into returning visitors.

Lowering Home Page Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is the tally of visitors who have a visit that starts and ends on the exact same page. This means that a second page isn’t visited, nothing is downloaded, nothing is viewed, nothing is added to a wish list or cart, or the products/page isn’t shared on social media. The end result normally ends with the customer closing the browser or hits the back button to never visit the site again. The main strategy for websites to lower bounce is to improve the site experience so that a customer doesn’t leave the site. Such areas these sites focus on are:

  • The design of the page and keeping the usability simple.

  • Keeping the site relevant by adding keywords to drive more traffic.

  • Keeping the loading speed low so that the customer doesn’t want to visit a competitor site to make a purchase.

  • Keeping the site responsive and user-friendly for tablets and smartphones.

Creating An Engaging Experience

The more engaging experience the site provides to the customer, the more likely the customer will be to come back. A sense of community and positive experiences make a customer want to return to a service to see what’s new with your brand. Such excellent ideas to bring a customer back are:

  • Creating a member forum to build a community.

  • Allow visitors to comment on products, blogs, and reviews to keep them engaged with your brand.

  • Allow users to create wish lists to keep an eye on a product they desperately want.

Customer Service Through Live Chats

Live customer service chats with visitors through the site allow your traffic to speak with a professional regarding a product they may be interested in. Many sites rarely use this service, but when they do it is very successful. However, it does take a little more effort to manage than a social media account or email. In the end, live chatting receives a higher rating when compared to a phone call, social media, and email.

Personalized Follow-Up Emails

Getting users to engage with their email is a great way to keep them coming back for more. Sending them recommendations or reminding them of their visits will let them know that your business is thinking about them and you’re more than willing to do business with them again. Such methods sites gain emails are through:

  • Automatic forms on the site in which customers fill out personal information for further correspondence.

  • Personal communications if a customer has spoken to your service through email, phone, or chat.

Encourage Social Media Sharing

Encouraging social media sharing carries the same impact as email marketing since social media allows customers to communicate directly with the service. In addition to this, social media allows a brand to put themselves out into the world again and again to have their words shared among their loyal followers. When it comes to traffic and potential customers, customers new to your service are more convinced to follow your statuses then sharing them. Providing social media buttons that allow new customers to follow your service are fairly cheap (if not free).

Social Media & Search Re-marketing

Social media and search re-marketing provides past visitors with a gentle reminder (through advertising) regarding the last time your service was brought to their attention. This act of re-marketing is what turns previous visitors into regular customers to your service. Popular re-marketing tactics are:

  • Sending social media messages through Twitter and Facebook to re-engage the visitors you had in the past.

  • Customizing keywords, bids, and ads that target people who have visited the site in the past. This entices customers of the past to re-visit the service you have to offer.

  • Re-marketing your service through different sites to individuals who haven’t visited your service before. If the re-marketing happens to reach a person who has visited your service before, it will more than likely make them want to follow through with a purchase

How Can BizCollab360Consulting Help Your Site?

At BizCollab360 we have experts here to help you with 365-degree coverage of all aspects for your business like:

  • Home Page Optimizations

  • Extending your e-commerce platform capabilities

  • E-Commerce Strategy and Roadmap Planning

  • SEO Audits and Corrective Actions

Who Is BizCollab360 Consulting?

We at BizCollab360 focus on optimizing online and e-Commerce businesses to increase revenue, traffic, site engagement, conversion, and loyalty. Our team has over a decade of experience in e-commerce business management across the US, Asia and Europe. We have managed projects for many of the Internet Retailer top 50 in both B2B and B2C segments and we have developed a sophisticated business blueprint that will drive metrics we develop together.

With offices located throughout the world, MW2 is well positioned to respond to our clients’ demands. BizCollab360’s combination of professional and mobile consultants, proven best practices and methodology, and technical expertise allows our clients to realize their Business IT goals in a timely and cost efficient manner.

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